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Poetry Pea is celebrating 7 years of poetry podcasts with some poetry from Maine in the US and some prose. The prose is a reading from Douglas J Lanzo’s award winning book, The Year of the Bear. Douglas is regularly featured as a poet on Poetry Pea and when he told us about his first novel being such a success how could we not invite him along to read to us and tell us a bit about how he got it published.

Have you added your haiku / senryu to the comments on the Poetry Pea Video Prompt? You might feature in a podcast and the Poetry Pea Journal.

Poetry from Maine

deep ocean fog
the dark heron emerges
and disappears

Bruce Ross, found on the Haiku Foundation website

paddle at rest
beads of water slide
from the loon’s bill

Paul W MacNeil, The Heron’s Nest Vol. I, No. 1: Sept. 1999;

late February
stuck to the tree, a snowball
in the strike zone

Cor van den Heuval, Modern Haiku 40:1

harbor lights
the reclining moon
tips out a star

Catherine JS Lee, DailyHaiku (April 2009)

departing ferry
tossed flowers
drift back to shore

Kristen Lindquist from her book It always comes back

Kristen read this for us on another episode of Poetry Pea. You can access it here.  She’ll be back soon to read from her latest book Island, also set in Maine.

If you’d like to read more about Maine’s haiku poets, Charles Trumbull has an essay you might like on the HSA Website


The Year of the Bear:

At Amazon. If you purchase it via this link, you won’t pay any extra, but a small amount will go to Poetry Pea.

It’s also available at other bookshops, such as Barnes & Noble.

S6E33 Poetry Pea celebrates Poetry & Prose featuring Douglas J Lanzo