Eva, who is from Slovakia, is an active pensioner, teacher of the Slovak language and proofreader of Slovak works. I asked her why her English was so good and she replied that her teacher was very good as was her translator.
She writes poetry as a hobby. She is intrigued by haiku in particular because of it simplicity and purity of speech. She has written books:
- Haiku in the stream of life
- Searching in the pedigree
Like many other guests she recommends reading haiku to improve your knowledge and style. She herself has read translations of Japanese poets: Basho, Buson, Issa and Shiki, Kakinomoto, Hitomaro and others.
Additionally she recommends the British Haiku Society as a good source of learning.
Let’s hear her Haiku:
rainless day
I lean into rays
of sun
As I read this haiku I can feel the sun on my face. I don’t know about you, but that’s one of the things that makes me feel very, very happy.
Thanks for your great haiku Eva. I look forward to hearing you again.