moon fades…
refugees spent night
in a truck

I think this is a Haiku that speaks to each of us about the world we live in right now, don’t you? 

Goran originally graduated in  physics and chemistry at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, and stayed on to undertake his doctoral studies.

He publishes poetry, haiku and prose in literary magazines, journals and anthologies and has won several awards for poetry and haiku in Croatia and abroad. He is member of the Croatian Writers’ Association.

Although Goran wants to encourage others to take an interest in Physics and Chemistry, there is more to him than the scientist and Poet. He also enjoys, diving and photography.

Why does Goran write Haiku? To capture a deeply felt moment or experience from his daily life. He loves the brevity of Haiku, that with only a few words we can create something meaningful and say so much.

He reads many other haiku poets and their experiences and recommends that you do to. Not only is it pleasurable but it is good for learning.

I asked Goran what else he thought makes a good Haiku. To which he replied: I think that the focus in haiku must be on a brief moment in time; use of provocative and colourful images; an ability to be read in one breath; and a sense of sudden enlightenment and illumination.

So much to try and achieve in three lines, which is why Bashō, one of the great Japanese Masters of the art said that whilst he wrote many Haiku in his lifetime, the number of good ones was only a small proportion of them. It’s much harder than it looks!

Goran also has some recommendation for you to read and consult:

You can learn more about Goran  by following the links on the show notes to Haiku Masters, where you will find more of Goran’s work.

Haiku Masters, NHK World from Japan (Haiku Master in the Rikugien Gardens, Tokyo and Haiku Master in Biei, Hokkaido with my Photo Haiku)

Goran thanks for submitting this piece and I look forward to featuring you again and learning more about you.

Week 11: Guest Haiku from Goran Gatalica
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