Powered by RedCircle I believe I have a treat for you today. We’re off to Croatia, yes, in the summer when the weather is beautiful and we’re going to meet with Dejan Pavlinović one of Croatia’s pre eminent haiku poets.
S7E37 Tanka Poetry – The Reforms
Powered by RedCircle Last time I outlined the development of waka, prior to the late 1800s and gave you some idea as to why waka was becoming a disappointing art. I left you with the promise that this time
S7E36 The Poetry that is Waka
Powered by RedCircle The next couple of months I’m going to intersperse our haiku and senryu poetry podcasts with podcasts about tanka, because we’re going to have a go at writing them in November 2024. Today I’m looking at
S7E35 Poetry The Senryū Way, part one
Powered by RedCircle Today’s poetry is our very first senryū only edition of the poetry pea podcast. If you don’t know what senryū is, and it is a bit tricky to define in one sentence, please go and have a
S7E33 Madku featuring West Coast Poet, Bona M Santos
Powered by RedCircle How to let off steam by writing short poetry with Bona M Santos. You will find the slides on the YouTube version, otherwise if you are an Issa or a Buson member they will be sent to
S7E32 Poetry Uncensored – senryū with bite
Powered by RedCircle Many of you will already know of the passing of the lovely Deborah P Kolodji, who you have heard from numerous times on the podcast, her poetry, her analyses, her workshops. She was a fabulous writer and
S7E31 Poetry Across the Water New York – Dublin
Powered by RedCircle This week you can hear the poems chosen from the Poetry Pea Video prompt from June. Have you left your poetry in the comments this month? You’ll find it on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel. Thanks to
S7E30 Seasonal Haiku: Autumn & Winter
Powered by RedCircle poetrypea.com presents haiku poetry celebrating the seasons. In part two of this mini series you will hear poems from Autumn and Winter. If you are on the Poetry Pea mailing list you will know why I’ve featured
S7E29 Haiku Seasons, Spring & Summer
Powered by RedCircle This is part 1 of a miniseries on haiku seasons. This week Spring & Summer, next week Autumn & Winter. Those of you on the Poetry Pea mailing list will know why I’m highlighting seasonal poetry. If
S7E28 A Gift of Warm Coins- Diarmuid Fitzgerald
Powered by RedCircle poetrypea.com presents the Irish writer Diarmuid Fitzgerald who reads to us from his books Thames Way and A Thousand Sparks, published by Alba publishing. I smiled for days when editing this. I hope you enjoy it too.