Submission Information

In 2025, I’m delighted to say that the Poetry Pea Podcast will enter its eighth series. Please send 4-10 haiku or senryu from which we will  select up to two,  per reading period, per poet, one of which will be read on the podcast and all the accepted poems will be in our Journal. Please check the submission topics and correct email to avoid rejection.

If you have questions please email Patricia, she will be happy to answer them, unless the answer is already on this page. She might not be so happy in that instance.

Please use the allocated emails to send submissions.


Haiku Criteria

We welcome haiku from the experienced and beginners and all points between. Please listen to our podcasts, read the haiku on the site, maybe buy the Poetry Pea journal and check the submission topics. This is what we are looking for.

Simple – this is not an intellectual exercise
Succinct – make every word count
Suggestive – show don’t tell
Seasonal – if you’re writing haiku rather than senryu
Surprise – an aha moment
Present tense
Don’t send us the ordinary – dig deep

Remember the editing team read many, many haiku and senryu, so you need to send your best work.

Send no fewer than 4 and no more than 10 please and put them in the body of the email.

You should receive a reply by the end of the month you are submitting.


Please check out the criteria here.

Submit via the email haikuandsenryu.poetrypea (at)

Please send at least four and no more than 10. Thank you.


You can send us up to 4 haibun.

Our criteria:

They must have a title

All the elements of the haibun should complement each other rather than repeat each other

The haiku should be strong and should indicate a season.

We’re not keen on run on sentence haiku / senryu

A monoku in the work might make it harder to get accepted, but it’s not a total no no

The prose and haiku should be in the present tense

Show don’t tell

Check submission periods.

You should receive a reply within 6 weeks.

Split Sequences

You can send up to four, either solo or collaborative.

Our Criteria

Each split sequence requires a title that is not directly lifted from the piece itself. 

The split sequence is twelve lines long, and only twelve lines.   NOTE: if you write a piece that is less than twelve lines, it is most assuredly not a split sequence.  

The seed haiku or senryu is always three lines long.

Between each line of the split seed haiku, there is always a three-line haiku or senryu, for a total of three such poems.

NOTE: if you substitute monoku in place of the three three-line haiku, it is not a split sequence and should not be considered as such.

Each three-line haiku or senryu can complement or contradict the specific line it is linked to.  

A split sequence uses no punctuation.

There is no rhyming in a split sequence other than naturally occurring internal rhyme.  

A split sequence should be in the present tense.

Show, don’t tell.

The Poetry Pea Anthology Little Marvels

Submission is by invitation only. Please sign up to the newsletter in order to receive an invitation.

How to Submit 

Email Addresses
  • Haiku, senryu and tanka:  haikuandsenryu.poetrypea (at)
  • Haibun: haibun.poetrypea (at)
  • Split Sequence: splitsequence.poetrypea (at)

Please submit via email to the correct email address and put submissions in the subject line.

Please do not add attachments, put the haiku or senryu in the body of the text. Thank you.


For haiku you should receive an acknowledgement by the end of the month in which you submit.

For haibun and split sequences you should receive a reply by the end of the month after you submit.

If this doesn’t happen please just email me or contact me in a direct message via twitter @thepoetrypea just to make sure I’ve received your work. Thank you.

Prior Publication

Please submit poems that have NOT been published in any journal, ezine, magazine, book, personal website,  or youtube. Facebook groups and workshops, twitter and Instagram are not considered published and those poems are acceptable to submit.

Conditions requires first publication rights, including first electronic rights, for work accepted and should be noted as place of first publication.

Poems submitted to us must be the original work of the submitting poet and must not be under consideration by any other publication or contest. Following on-line publication with us, all rights revert to the author. reserves the right to publish any work accepted for publication for any future podcast, print or electronic anthologies and/or retrospectives of the Poetry Pea publications and podcasts.

There is currently no payment for publication, nor free copies of anthologies or journals, sorry.

Submission to is deemed as an acceptance of these conditions.

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