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Hello and welcome to the haiku pea podcast. I’m Patricia and I’m still social distancing in Switzerland, probably like most of you, but at least here, as I record this podcast, there are signs that things are improving.

This week the topic for you lovely poets to write about was Afternoon break. If you are coming to this podcast some time in the future, in real time, we are in the throes of Covid 19 and Afternoon breaks might temporarily be a thing of the past, unless you live with me. My husband and I have a routine established whilst he is working from home whereby we try and have a little break morning and afternoon and a proper lunch time. How about you? How are you reacting to working from home, if that is what you have been forced to do?

Today’s theme was suggested by Craig Kittner, thanks Craig. When he proposed it, it brought to mind a poem by Rupert Brooke, The Old Vicarage, Grantchester, which he wrote whilst in Berlin in 1912, thinking about his own home in the UK. I wonder if he had any idea of what was to come? Thankfully he would have had no idea that the war would bring about his own demise?

It ends like this:

Say, is there Beauty yet to find?
And Certainty? and Quiet kind?
Deep meadows yet, for to forget
The lies, and truths, and pain? … oh! yet
Stands the Church clock at ten to three?
And is there honey still for tea?

I wrote this for him;

a return to old habits…
tea and scones at three
jam not honey


Now as usual I would like to start with previously published work and then turn to work specially written for us, first from poets from whom we’ve not heard and then to some favourite poets. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to today’s podcast. I’m looking forward to the next one already. May is monoku and there is still time to get your verse to me. The deadline is May1st. If you know poets who have not contributed before, ask them to send their work.

Previously published

prairie thunder
I braid my sister’s hair
with corn silk

Highly Commended, 2019 New Zealand Poetry Society Competition

Debbie Strange

at the height
of the argument the old couple
pour each other tea

George Swede

Haiku in English The first 100 years edited by Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland, Allan Burns

afternoon rain
in the second-hand bookstore
the smell of old paper

Tim Murphy – Frogpond 43.1 

afternoon sunlight
in the mail
your haiku

Joette Giorgis

Full of Moonlight: Haiku Society of America 2016 Members’ Anthology, edited by David Grayson

And now especially for us, some afternoon breaks from our own writers community:

on a swaying daffodil-
power nap

**Nisha Raviprasad

Twitter: @NishaRaviprasad

afternoon break
we chew over mansplaining

**Rashmi VeSa

Rashmi VeSa first discovered Japanese short forms of poetry during the summer of 2018. She lives in Bengaluru ,India.
Twitter: @RashmiVeSa

a burst of sun
when the clouds move away
more lavender

**Deborah P Kolodji

Deborah is the California Regional Coordinator for the Haiku Society of America and on the Board of Directors for Haiku North America.   She has published over 1000 haiku and her first full length book, “highway of sleeping towns” won a Touchstone Distinguished Book Award from The Haiku Foundation. Congratulations Deborah.
Deborah can be found on:
Twitter @dkolodji

scented tea –
tasting the first pages
of a book

**Daniela Misso

Daniela Misso, is a haiku poet who lives in a medieval village in Umbria, Italy, where enjoys observing nature. She has had some haiku published in Italian anthologies as well as  journals, blogs, and e-zines worldwide.
She is present in the Italian volume Haiku “Tra meridiani e paralleli V stagione”.

breezin’ ruffles leaves
whistlin’ Kansas wind whispers
spirit vocals roar


Wayne Kingston

Wayne’s third volume of poetry, Pillow Talk Soliloquy, is currently listed on Amazon.com. Previous volumes (Eclectic Discernment, Listen Small) are also available, and on Barnes and Noble as well.

afternoon break
sipping coffee
with freshly brewed gossip

Anjali Warhadpande

I have published a poetry book ‘Ode to reality’, a book of short stories,’The innocuous kiss and other short stories’ and young fiction ‘Summer of ‘72 sunny side up’. Writing for me is an on going process and there are more books in the pipeline. I like to describe myself as a homemaker who writes fiction but is a poet at heart!

coming of spring
thick layer of butter
in my cup of tea

Mafizuddin Chowdhury

the boat horn
for noon shift

Christina Chin

Blogger is an ongoing scheduled blog of my featured and published haiku.

tea and scones
in the Orchard Grantchester
ten to three

James Young

 It seems that James and I were thinking along the same lines!
Twitter: @BaitTheLines
medical website

a cloud burst –
protestors storm
the coffee shop

Dorothy Burrows

Twitter @rambling_dot

noon sun. . .
the chestnut cat
stretches my yawn

R Suresh Babu

after the bell
dust and silence settle
empty classroom

Kim Russell

Kim’s website
The Emma Press: Anthology of Aunts and Second Place Rosette.
The dVerse Poets anthology, Chiaroscuro – Darkness and Light
Twitter: @kim88110

is overrated –
strawberry cupcake

Tiffany Shaw Diaz

poetry blog


rose trellis
the in and out
of possibilities

Marilyn Ward

afternoon break
selecting tonight’s
fairy tale

Richa Sharma

Twitter @bluelakemoon

stippled sunlight
a wasp’s antennae tapping
at the jam jar lid

John Hawkhead

Twitter @HawkheadJohn
John’s book “Small Shadows” available at Alba Publishing

sidewalk cafe
people stroll
into my poems

Jonathan Roman

His book Deeper Into Winter. It’s a collection of haiku, haiga, and haibun written in and about Iceland.
Twitter and Instagram: @deft_notes

strained eyes
re-adjusting to
the horizon

Constance Bourg


daytime moon
i figure out
who’s the killer

Kristen Lindquist

Book of Days haiku blog
Twitter: @mainekestrel

stretching my legs
that brisk walk
to the vending machine

Tracy Davidson

Twitter: @tracydavidson27
Instagram: @tracydavidson27

dead noon
I watch a rerun of

Neelam Dadhwal

Twitter: @neelamdadhwal,
Instagram: @neelamdadhwal
blogs at PrismofJoy (Blogger)

the aroma
of hot chocolate fills the air

Katherine E Winnick

Twitter @thewovenwords

afternoon break —
she writes fragrant haiku
under the blossoms

Goran Gatalica

The Haiku Foundation Author page
NHK World 
NHK World
First Basho-an International Haiku Competition in Tokyo, Japan.

a bee headbutts
the window pane

Robert Horrobin

afternoon break
the weight of silence
in the classroom

Muskaan Ahuja

a walk through
an English garden
her afternoon tea

Linda L Ludwig

sultry afternoon
the roads as empty
as my mind

Vandana Parashar

Her Chapbook “I am

afternoon break –
the seagull and I
stretch our wings

Isabel Caves


afternoon rain
a yellow leaf falls
into the recycling bin

Jay Friedenberg


Poems From the Front: A Haiku History of the Second World War

the sun leans
to the west


Instagram “3_liner

benches in the sun
one after another walking sticks
and beers

Nadejda Kostadionva


water cooler crowd
dawdling chatting relaxing-
all while work piles up

Ian Speed

brief respite from
sixteen hour covid shift
power napping

Richard Bailly

Twitter @RitchieVan44

flocks of cranes
in snow-dusted fields . . .
our idle chatter

Debbie Strange

Debbie maintains a publication and award archive which also includes reviews of her books and hundreds of haiga and tanka art.

Twitter @Debbie_Strange
Instagram @debbiemstrange.

spring mynah
rejects bread crumbs
there goes my lunch

Elancharan Gunasekaran

His latest publications are Superatomicluminal (Hesterglock Press, UK), Gods of the Gonzo (Analog Submission Press, UK), The Cosmosnaut Manifesto (UndergroundBooks, New York), Sleeping with Wildflowers (Alien Buddha Press, Arizona/New York), Deviant Flames and Dark Revolver (Roman Books, India/UK).

afternoon walk:
two women relax on bench
exchanging tension

Professor R K Singh


Latest book:

GOD TOO AWAITS LIGHT (tanka and haiku, September 2017, published by Cholla Needles, Joshua Tree, California)
GROWING WITHIN (regular poems, tanka and haiku, with translation into Romanian, published  by Anticus Press, Constanta, Romania, December 2017).

His new collection available online (free) and awaiting a publisher:

green leaves unfurl
sighing warmth and jasmine
from my teapot

Hannah Hulbert

Twitter @hhulbert

wilting cherry blossoms
i pluck a dandelion

Erin Castaldi

instagram @haiku_gurl
Her book: “ Evensong On The Great Egg “, published by Moonstone Press.

The robin sings,
… and the memories
fade away

Tara Steciuk

twitter:   @TaraSteciuk

children’s treasures —
they fill my pockets
with pinecones

s zeilenga

Twitter @ruralitalics

lunch with friends
all the fruit and nuts
from the birdseed

wendy c bialek

slippery path
unexpected break-
blue knee

Eva Drobna

afternoon walk
even the birds maintain
social distancing

m shane pruett

Twitter @HaikuMyBrew

and to conclude today’s episode a verse from rp verlaine, which could describe the scene in my neighbours garden…

pigeon feathers
all that is left when
the bread runs out

Rp Verlaine

Author’s page on Amazon 


As ever I thank all of the poets who wrote for today’s episode, I am in awe of your work. Thank you so much. There’s still time to get your email submissions to me for the monoku episode, deadline May 1st. I have a community judge who is chomping at the bit to read what you send me.

Speaking of which, I’m very close to being able to let you know when you can get your hands on the first edition of the journal. If you haven’t signed up for the newsletter, the form is on the poetrypea website, please do sign up, as I will be emailing everyone on the list with the news.

Thank you to everyone who comes along to listen, and to everyone who helps to spread the word about the podcast. I appreciate it very much.

These are weird and crazy times we are living through. I know some of you have had the virus, thankfully mild cases. May I wish you and your families a safe transition towards normality and remind you that if you are able and interested I’m still receiving 20 second videos for the poetrypea YouTube channel. The feed back has been positive and so I’ll continue with Pea TV Moments for another wee while. You can subscribe to the channel and little notifications of peace and joy will be sent to you.

So, until we chat again in a couple of weeks, take care of yourselves and your families and of course, keep writing…

Series 3 Episode 8: Afternoon break