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Welcome  to Episode 12 of the 3rd series of the haiku pea podcast, an episode in which old friends and new have written on the topic of ageing.
The response has been overwhelming. It’s clearly a topic that inspired you.

How are things where you are? Life here in Switzerland is moving back to normal. It’s funny how quickly things spring back to life. Social distancing seems to be almost a thing of the past here. Although the authorities remind us to distance the reality is that we are beginning to forget.

I’m looking forward to the day that the government says my children can come home for a visit or that the UK will allow me to visit without making me quarantine for two weeks. It feels like it is getting closer.

Restaurants are open and I have taken my husband out for coffee with my coffee money. A coffee by the lake in a little village called Iseltwald and another in Interlaken, where it was so quiet without the normal tourist hustle and bustle. So many thanks to those of you who went to the poetrypea website and bought me a coffee, it was much appreciated.

Before I continue to the haiku and senryu just a little housekeeping. I’m pretty sure I have updated the poet’s directory so everyone on today’s podcast is on there. Please check and send me updates if they are needed.

As life is becoming normalised I am going to cut down on Pea TV Moments. I will post them twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the 16th of June as long as I have some to post. So if the muse takes you, please continue to send them.


transience . . .
petal by petal
we let go

Debbie Strange

Winning Haiku, Canada
2017 Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Invitational

so tired
they made love
by holding hands

Arch Haslett

Frogpond 43.2

the beauty of the sunset
grieves not for old age


Found in an essay by Charles Trumbull: An Analysis of Haiku in 12-dimensional Space

nothing to fear
ageing is a natural
part of life

Katherine E Winnick

On the Cover of the Response magazine to Lindsay seers exhibition “Careless”

blackbird’s song
I ignore
nearing death

Aljoša Vuković


into the fountain
the first leaf falls –
too soft to break the sun.

**Deborah A Bennett

Deborah A. Bennett grew up in the midwest in a family of artists, and, from her childhood, found her own expression in the visual and literary arts. Her haiku and black and white photography can, at this time, be found on Instagram and Twitter.

wrinkles of age spread–
on another birthday cake
cracked white icing

**Michael Feil 

Michael Feil grew up in small town Iowa in the post war auto boom, the baby boom.  Graduating from high school he was faced military conscripture during the Vietnam Conflict, he chose the US Navy.  Michael graduated with a BFA from The San Francisco Art Institute.  Mr. Feil had day jobs of such a variety it would make your head spin. Mr. Feil has written plays, fiction, poetry and non-fiction over the years. Michael attended the New York University Summer Writer’s Conference, he attended the Rutgers Camden Writer’s Conference, and the Upaya Zen Center Haiku Workshop.  Mr. Feil lives with his wife, and a lovable pit bull in suburban Philadelphia.

Books Published:
Camping In A Middle Class Pasture selected poems 1971-1999, 108 pps. Authors House, 2003.
Short Stories published:
“Last Night with Nora”, High Plains Register, forthcoming Fall 2020.
Fiction Award:
Couples, Families Friends and Naught, a short story collection was a Finalist for The Black    Lawrence Press Best Fiction Prize 2018.
Play Produced:
“Technicians of the Sacred”, based on Jerome Rothenberg’s poetry volume, Synthaxis Theatre Company 1974.

The book mentioned above is available as an e-book in most outlets.

I walk with my sons
through the garden –
how the weeds have grown

**Wendy Toth Notarnicola

Ripened fruit drops
Ripples across the water
Creases on the skin

**Richard Hargreaves

Richard grew up in Cheshire and now lives in Yorkshire, with wife Mandy.
He went to University in Sheffield in the 80s.
He has six young grandchildren.
His passion is birding in particular & wildlife in general, from bees to whales, from dragonflies to jaguars. He even met David Attenborough in darkest Borneo.
His first book, some fifteen years in the writing, “Razor in the Wind”, is due out imminently (see photos).
A late starter to poetry, he now writes every day, drawing on the natural world.

apples ripen
spring is harsh, soil thin
the skin remembers

**Jack Cooper

A member of Coventry Stanza, Jack has been published by Young Poets Network, Poetry Birmingham, and Under the Radar. He is currently undertaking a PhD in embryonic cell migration at the University of Warwick.

mottled leaves
of the sunflower –

**Máire Morrissey-Cummins

Máire lives in the Garden of Ireland. She loves nature, her garden, her cat Athena, paints watercolours daily, her meditation. She writes a little, likes to go birdwatching at the weekends with her husband, spend time with girlfriends and travel. Retirement is a glorious time of discovery. Life continues to be an exploration, a search for a greater understanding of the world we inhabit and people we meet.

river bank
fishing for memories
our dangling toes

**Mike Gallagher

Mike Gallagher is an Irish poet and editor. His prose, poetry and haiku have been published throughout Europe, America, Australia, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Japan, Canada and Mexico. His writing has been translated into Japanese, Dutch, Croatian, German, Italian, Serbian and Chinese.
He won the Michael Hartnett Viva Voce competition in 2010 and 2016, was shortlisted for the Hennessy Award in 2011 and won the Desmond O’Grady International Poetry Contest in 2012.
In 2018, he was placed in Listowel Writers Week and in 2019 he won the Westival Poetry Slam.
His poetry collection Stick on Stone is published by Revival Press.

a ghostly
apparition of my past…
grey hair

**Jason Furtak

Jason lives in the foothills of north Georgia, with his lovely wife of 25 years and four beautiful children.  Jason has written poetry since his grade school years after the encouragement of a teacher who recognized his grammatical challenges from dyslexia.  He enjoys writing in all types of poetry styles but is particularly fond of those that give a cherished highlight to his soul mate.  He also writes for family, friends, and strangers as a typewriter poet, finds haiku/senryu in the subtle ebb and flows of life, and even discovers his playful side with children’s poetry. You can find his work on Instagram: @JasonRFurtak

why do I call my daughter
by her son’s name?

**Minal Sarosh
Minal Sarosh is an awarded Indian English poet and novelist. Her first poetry book ‘Mitosis and Other Poems’, was published by Writers Workshop (1992) Kolkata. Her first novel ‘Soil for My Roots’ was published by LiFi Publications, New Delhi, 2015.

She has won awards at the All India Poetry Competition 2005, of The Poetry Society (India) Delhi (Commendation Prize); SMS Poetry Competition 2007 & 2008 Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Mumbai (Third Prize) among others.

For her haiku poems she has won The Akita International University President’s Award, Japan, 2018 ( First  Prize ) & 2019 (First Prize – Joint Winner ).
Recently her haiku was among the haiku selected as the Judges’ favourites in the Golden Haiku Poetry Contest 2020, USA, and was displayed on a street sign in the Golden Triangle Washington DC neighbourhood.

Her poems have been published in prestigious online and print journals and anthologies like  ‘These My Words’– The Penguin Book of Indian Poetry (2012), among others.

Her short form poetry like haiku, senryu, and tanka have been published in Muse India, World Haiku Review, Prune Juice –Journal of Senryu, Kyoka, Haiban & Haiga, Failed Haiku, The Asahi Shimbun, Wales Haiku Journal and in haiku anthologies like the ‘FIRST Katha ebook’ of haiku, haiban, senryu and tanka and ‘Naad Anunaad’ anthology of contemporary world haiku, 2016, among others.

Minal lives in Ahmedabad, India.

short term memories
recent recognition loss
of faces and things

**Rob McKinnon
I have only recently started trying to write haiku so this is very exciting.
Rob McKinnon lives in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia. His poetry has previously been published in From the Ashes – A poetry anthology in support of the 2019-2020 Australian Bushfire relief effort’ Maximum Felix Media, Headline Poetry & Press, Knights Library Magazine, Vaughan Street Doubles, The Wellington Street Review, Dust Poetry Magazine, Sūdō Journal, Sage Cigarettes Magazine, Re-Side Magazine, Nightingale & Sparrow Literary Magazine, Black Bough Poetry, Dissident Voice, Tuck Magazine and InDaily.

sickle moon
what’s left of me
to come home to

**Elisa Theriana
Elisa Theriana, a computer programmer from Bandung, Indonesia. A haiku-tanka lover and Photography enthusiast. Always in quest of hidden beauty.

when childhood favorites
are dubbed “vintage”
— ageing

**Jamie Beth Kovalsky

Jamie Beth Kovalsky lives in Western Montana on forty acres surrounded by mountains and an abundance of wildlife. After being diagnosed with lupus, she began exploring Buddhism and haiku as a means to cope with the unpredictability of her chronic illness. She will be making her debut in the upcoming spring/summer issue of FROGPOND, as well as the June issue of FAILED HAIKU. In addition to poetry, Jamie also loves all things witchy (including reading tarot cards), and is working on her first YA fantasy series.
Twitter: @PuckishPoetess

birthday . . .
butter melting
in late sun

**Eddy Lee

Eddy Lee lives in Germany. Her work has appeared in journals including Frogpond, Acorn, Contemporary Haibun Online and Haibun Today

end of autumn
behind a thicket
the moon clearer

Paul Callus

Bio:  Paul Callus was born in Ħal Safi, Malta. He is a retired teacher, and has been active in the literary field for around 50 years. He writes poetry, short stories, and lyrics for songs, mostly in English and Maltese. His work has been published in various anthologies, journals and online sites. He has published 3 books (Ħal Safi, Marina, Aħfirli Natasha) and an ebook (Meander). He is also a translator and proof-reader. Apart from writing, his main hobbies are reading, painting, swimming and travelling.

so many tears
no reason to cry
~ dementia

Wayne Kingston

the quiet
winter cicadas
familiar duet

Christina Chin

after a cold swim
the sun is a comfort
in old age

James Young

hard to forget
nursing home

Dr Tim Gardiner

winter sun –
today we both
feel fine

Dorothy Burrows

maintaining good health
journey still excites

Andrew Syor

ridge and furrow
covered in snow
his wrinkles

Marilyn Ward

late bottled vintage
just reflecting
burial or cremation

Roger Watson

winter rain
bends the roses low–
lumbar pain

Professor R K Singh

family reunion where they used to sit me

Jonathan Roman

ageing haiku:
she writes self
as kigo

Neelam Dadhwal

class reunion
the old jokes
still persist

Willie  R Bongcaron

last petals
the gentle glide
grandmother’s rocker

Erin Castaldi

grandma’s fresh laughter
in the old photos

Rashmi VeSa

glints of birdsong
in the gloaming
grandpa’s horizon

Isabel caves

nursing home–
on her wrinkled face
a patch of sunlight

Hemapriya Chellappan

finally comfy
in my skin
magenta twilight

Tiffany Shaw Diaz

blue veins
desiccated breasts
juiceless buds

Kim Russell

the antique mirror
reflects a faded beauty
her ego cracks

Linda L Ludwig

as if my soul sister
— old raven

Isabella Kramer

moon phase
the one-week lifespan
of a luna moth

Kristen Linquist

alone at home
my grandchildren ‘s voices
in my head

Nisha Raviprasad

social distancing
I no longer fuss over
my greying hair

Vandana Parashar

looking at myself
not a friend any more
the mirror

Nadejda Kostadionva

that age
when I hoard silver
in my hair

Anjali Warhadpande

waving at me
in the wing mirror
another hair on my chin

Tracy Davidson

recycling centre
which skip
for memories?

Peter Draper

morning memories
a moment to breathe
take in the past

Rickey Rivers Jr

an epiphany –
that old person
is younger than I

Valentina Ranaldi-Adams

crows feet
the simple act
of smiling

Robert Horrobin

the echoes
of yesterdays
dappling swans

Mark Gilbert

lakeside birthday
new ripples
in reflected face

Roberta Beach Jacobson

lost names –
reviving wild flowers
in a tea bag

Lavana Kray

in dreams
I’m growing spring onions
wrinkled hands

Damir Damir

fruit laden–
the old man lightens
his worries

Pravat Kumar Padhy

in the garden
a conversation
of rusted ideas

Mariela Coromoto

solar return
the v in the tail
of the swallow


threadbare brocade
curtains of conversation
unraveling dramas

Elaine Patricia Morris

burning wood …
hopes of tomorrow
in the fireplace

Daniela Misso

sixty one
the realisation
I’m an orphan

John Hawkhead

mountain breeze…
an old man at peace
with his own pace

Srinivas S

classic caddy mandarin orange convertible missing hubcap

Richard Bailly

imparting wisdom
my mischievous grandchildren
life in quarantine

Bhawana Rathore

ageing well comes from
thinking older when you’re  young,
younger when you’re old

Ian Speed

a tree lives
longest when surrounded
by the forest

Constance Bourg

bristlecone pines
surely these could not be
my hands

Debbie Strange

poor old feet
thanks for carrying me
this far

David Oates

old age
wisdom from every mistake
keeps me company

wendy c. bialek

tracing history
through photos
fading colours


A collaboration

old hands caress yellowed keys
coaxing lullabies ~
grand piano sighs

Barbara Carlson and Robert Quezada

**Poets new to the podcast

Series 3 Episode 12: Ageing
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