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Today You’ll hear the poems chosen from the all the work we’ve done together this year for nomination to the Haiku Foundation’s Touchstone Awards.

How do you get onto the list? SUBMIT!

  • Bi monthly topics, see the dropdown diary on the submissions menu
  • Monthly video prompts on the Poetry Pea YouTube channel (every month except December)
  • Flashku (by invitation only…make sure you are on the mailing list)
  • Little Marvels Anthology (by invitation only…make sure you are on the mailing list)

How can you support the podcast?

Buy us a coffee (you can use paypal too), links on the site

Take out a membership, let me know if you prefer to use paypal

Take up a role in the team. This next year I’d really love someone to help with social media, probably a few people.

Don’t forget to send me your Split Sequences: deadline 21 December 2024. Peter’s workshop is here if you need inspiration.

S7E51 What poetry will Poetry Pea be nominating this year?
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