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Many, many thanks to Vandana Parashar for her help in putting this workshop together.

Scroll to the bottom for the submission guidelines.


Still We Rise Wee Sparrow Press

a raven

believed it could fly

through me

unaware that I am glass,

pretending to be sky

       Debbie Strange
San Francisco International Competition for Haiku, Senryu and Tanka, 2020, third place

 Link to commentary 

archaeological dig––

since your death,


what’s left of me

brush by tiny brush

Susan Burch

Link to commentary

when the wind blows

through holes in a bamboo

does it know

my heart too was pierced

with notes of our song

Suraja Menon Roychowdhury

Link to commentary

If you’ve enjoyed this podcast and workshop, please would you consider buying Poetry Pea a coffee?

or better still something that benefits you even more, a membership. Check out Buymeacoffee. If PayPal suits you better, then let me know.

Thanks for joining me!

Submission Guides:


5 lines either:




Topics to write about:

  • love
  • death
  • relationships
  • social commentary
  • political commentary
  • observations of life
  • natural beauty
  • thoughts of home
  • personal feelings
  • passion illness

A link to the slide deck on Buy Me A Coffee

Please submit 4-10 tanka. Submissios with fewer than 4 poems will be automatically rejected.

Please submit to haikuandsenryu.poetrypea(at)gmail.com

S7E41 Contemporary Tanka Poetry
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Buy Me A Coffee