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Many of you will already know of the passing of the lovely Deborah P Kolodji, who you have heard from numerous times on the podcast, her poetry, her analyses, her workshops. She was a fabulous writer and very generous with her support for others in the haiku world. She leaves a hole in our poetry lives and I know for many of us, she leaves a personal hole.

God Bless Debbie, rest in peace.

if only my window

were a spaceship window

saucer magnolia

Deborah P Kolodji, Poetry Pea Journal 2:24


social distancing

scrub jays gather

in the jacaranda

Deborah P Kolodji, Poetry Pea Journal, Winter 2020

broken fountain

the drip

of alternative facts

Deborah P Kolodji, Poetry Pea Journal, Spring 2021


Thanks for the poetry Debbie.

Have you read the latest journal 3:24?

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Alan Pizzarelli, MindZaps, available at Amazon

Write Like Issa: A Haiku How-to  by David G. Lanoue, available at Amazon.

Jack Kerouac, Book of Haikus, ed Regina Weinreich available at Amazon

You can read the poetry on the YouTube slides. Have yu subscribed to our YouTube channel?

You will receive the poetry in your inbox if you are an Issa or Buson member of the Poetry Pea Club.

Thanks for being with us. Don’t forget to check out the submission diary.
S7E32 Poetry Uncensored – senryū with bite
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