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Come on a bike ride with me to the lake and back via the woods, river and farm and along the way we’ll enjoy some haiku and senryū poetry written especially for the podcast and some senryū to inspire you to write.

The original poetry read today is in the Journal, 3:24 which you can purchase here.

last week on the podcast I read a selection of the poems from the single object submissions, more in the journal, have I mentioned it’s out? I asked a question about this poem from Vishal Prabhu

every few steps
the same rock

Vishal Prabhu

I told you that Liam, one of the haiku editors and I had had a virtual chat about it. He had interpreted the poem as being about a moonlit walk and I said that when I read it I couldn’t help but think it might be about a night walk but perhaps under the influence of moonshine. I invited Vishal to put us straight.

Well, thank you Vishal for doing that… sadly, I was wrong, apparently there was no alcoholic moonshine involved but actual moonshine, and a strange concurrence of a rock appearing wayside along Vishal’s night walk, which seemed to actually replay just a short while ahead on the walk. His first attempt at writing the poem, had only this physical fact as a prompt, but he later realised the moon itself also was the rock, the one and the same one, encountered all along that walk in moonshine!

The poems by Kerouac were taken from Jack Kerouac’s book of Haikus which you can purchase here

I had another senryū for you, but it wouldn’t work on the podcast:

empty nest

a f(e)ather refuses

to let go

Eavonka Ettinger,Failed Haiku Issue 86, Michael Henry Lee, Guest Editor

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S7E27 A Bike Ride Accompanied by Poetry
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