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The poetry podcast, poetrypea.com is happy to bring you original poetry from around the globe. This time our poets have been focusing on using the cut in their haiku. Our community judges are from India, the UK, and France by way of the US. Will you agree with their choices? Do email me and let me know.

Today thanks to Linda L Ludwig we have some original short poetry written for the Poetry Pea Video Prompt. I’ll read them to you and then you can read them again when the Poetry Pea Journal, 2:23 comes out, hopefully in December.

Then we’ll hear a selection of poems selected from the Cut submission. There will be more in the Journal later this year. My thanks to my lovely submissions editing team, Lorraine Padden, Vandana Parashar, Liam McGuire, Ronald K Craig and Robert Horrobin. We worked hard this month. Now I’ll be honest with you, we rejected more poems than we normally do, so in the podcast I talk about how we go about choosing the poems to be featured.

Thank you

I’d like to  thank you for your donations to the podcast, via buymeacoffee. This is an expensive time of year, so many apps need to be paid, websites for hosting, and because I’m planning for next year, books have to be bought. Academic books, cost so much, don’t they? Anyway, I’m very grateful to anyone who has some coffee money they can spare to help me offset some of the costs. Thank you to :

Ravi Kiran

Cynthia Anderson

Janice Doppler

Susannah Rich

David Green

Ian Speed


Linda Ludwig

Susan Andrews

John Green

Colette Kern

And Giddy Nielsen Sweep

To all of you who have continued to buy the Journal, 1:23 and to everyone who donated when downloading the show notes. Every cent counts and goes towards making content for you to enjoy, thank you.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the podcast this time. I’ve really enjoyed reading the work to you and working with the teams and judges to bring this to you, despite the technical difficulties.

Don’t forget to write your poem for the video prompt and leave it in the comments on YouTube. AND of course you should be getting ready to send me your poems based on the talks by Janice Doppler on Zoka. Any questions… well you know where I am.


Download the poetry featured from the cut submissions today. Remember, the Prompt poetry will be available only in the Journal published at the end of the year.

October Poetry Pea Prompt… leave your poems  in the comments on YouTube please. It’s the only way you can submit for this feature. Linda reads them all, and there are regularly over 300 views of the video and the poems, so you’ll gain quite an audience for your work.

Triveni Haiku

Sandra’s Poetreeseed details

S6E35 New Original Poetry, the cut in Haiku
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