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poetrypea.com presents a short podcast of original poetry, specifically haiku and monoku this time. You’ll hear more poetry to inspire you to write for our submissions and the results of the YouTube video prompt for August 2023. If you enjoy hearing poetry then you’ve come to the right place. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know and of course, join in with our submissions.

Today I have a few previously published haiku to get your juices flowing to write for this month’s haiku topic at Poetry Pea. We’re considering the cut in haiku. If you need some help and guidance there is a really terrific podcast episode with Kala Ramesh, who as usual gives us a wonderful presentation. Her thoughts on monoku blew my mind, and I know were a lightbulb moment for a few of you too.

Of course if you are listening to this after the 15th September 2023 you’ll have missed the deadline, but have a look at the submissions calendar and see what’s going on and join in. There’s always something for you to write.

Then to end the podcast I’d like to read you the haiku that Linda Ludwig, YouTube Prompt Editor has chosen from the Poetry Pea Video prompt, which you’ll find on our YouTube channel. It’s there every month, all you have to do is write your poem in the comments section. Do join in, Linda considers every single one of your poems and of course they will be read by hundreds of your fellow poets, who are subscribers to the channel.

Examples of poems that illustrate the cut:

leaves blowing into a sentence

Bob Boldman, The Haiku Anthology, edited by Cor van den Heuval

a leaf

for a bookmark

autumn wind

Rick Tarquinio, Presence #69, March 2021

This haiku uses no punctuation to emphasise the cut, it doesn’t need to, it’s clearly there.

we exchange

secret smiles…

wild strawberries

Annie Wilson, Poetry Pea Journal 1:23

Here Annie has used an ellipsis, which I believe enhances the idea of the exchange of secret smiles. For me it creates an extra dimension to the secret adds a pinch of sensuality.

The poetry from the August prompt will be in the Poetry Pea Journal 2:23 which I hope to publish in December.

S6E30 Foxy haiku & other poetry