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poetrypea.com is delighted to welcome Canadian poet Michael Dudley and two Croatian poets, Tomislav Maretić and Dejan Pavlinović to the show. Together they have co created a wonderful book of short form poetry, which they read to us. We discuss how it is they came together to work, how that process worked across different languages and generally what it is about haiku that makes us happy. Patricia discovers she is not the only haiku poet who is not particularly zen. Hope you enjoy listening.

What does Nexus mean?

noun,plural nex·us·es, nex·us.

  1. a means of connection; tie; link.
  2. a connected series or group.

Where to buy Nexus


Poems read on the podcast
First line and page numbers

Thunderstorm p 35

Sea swells p 41

Alluvial Waves – sequence – p 47

Another daydream p 53

Autumn Village – rengay – p 64

Grape harvest p 77

Fresh morning p 87

Cigarette ash p 90

Approaching p 92

Hibiscus tea p 95

Historic mural p 86

Links to our poets

Michael Dudley

Tomislav Maretić

Dejan Pavlinović

Nexus Haiku on Facebook

Illustrations by Nina Šestanović

S6E25 The Languages of Haiku