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poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original english language haiku which expressed the relationship between the outer weather and our inner weather. Haiku being one of the most popular forms of poetry, worldwide.

Welcome to the latest original poetry offering from Poetry Pea. This time you wrote beautifully for the topic of Inner and outer weather, which was introduced to us by Eve Castle. She gave us a great presentation in Episode 6 of this the 6th series. A presentation that had a lot of good feedback and which I must say produced really high quality submissions. Thank you all very much, there were a number of additions to my potential Touchstone, Red Moon, Pushcart, nomination list.

Now before we go on to hear this wonderful poetry that I’ve promised you, there are a couple of things to tell you. In July this year 2023, I will be at the Haiku North America conference, please do come up and say hello if you are there. You’ll know it’s me. I will be wearing a Poetry Pea T-short, just to make things easy for you. Make sure you are signed up to the mailing and I’ll let you know when they and a few other Poetry Pea items will be available to buy, so you can look stylish too.

Speaking of the mailing list. If you are not on it, you will have just missed an opportunity to send us Flashku and be published in the Journal and featured on the podcast following this one. If you missed it, go and sign up now, or when you’ve finished listening to this.

Thank you to our Judges: Eavonka Ettinger, Joanne Morcom and Ronald K Craig.

Thank you for the coffees you’ve bought the podcast. The audio and video content is free and I’d like to continue to do this, but it takes time and a great deal of effort and not a little expense to do this. So every coffee takes a bit of the financial pressure off and is a little ray of sunshine that brightens up my day. I’m very very grateful for anything you can donate to the podcast, either via coffees or by giving a little when you download the show notes.

For the month of May I’d like to thank

Susan Andrews

Giddy Neilsen Sweep

Roberta Beary

Norman Silver

Tony Williams

Marjorie Pezzoli

Annie Wilson

Elliot Diamond

Linda Ludwig

Jenni Wyn Hyatt

Kelley Jean White

Christa Pandey

Rupa Anand

Allison Douglas Tourner

Kimberley Kuchar

Sarah Paris

Everyone who remained anonymous and everyone who bought a copy of the last Journal of last year.

The new one Journal, 1:23, will be out in July and if you are on the mailing list you will be the first to know and you will receive an early bird discount.

Thank you.

Thanks once again to all my lovely poets, the wonderful judging team and the editing team here at Poetry Pea for all their hard work in helping me to produce this podcast.

Editing Team

Ronald K Craig

Lorraine A Padden

Vandana Parashar

Robert Horrobin

and missing this time Liam Maguire – get well soon.

Our poets are a global bunch who enjoy writing this short form of poetry in English. If you would like to submit, please go to our submissions pages, check what we’re up to. There is something every month. Please do check out the criteria. It’s very frustrating for us if we have to reject your work because it doesn’t meet the requirements. You won’t enjoy the experience either and we’d hate that.

Show notes

Please click this link to go to buymeacoffee where you can pick up the show notes. They are free, if you can donate a little something, well, that’s a bonus for us. Thank you.

S6E18 Original Haiku expressing Inner & Outer Weather