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at yet another
menopause memory lapse
your quiet grimace
Eavonka Ettinger, Poetry Pea Journal Autumn 2021
If you’ve watched the Pea TV Workshop on colour, you’ll have an idea why I identify with this.
Do go and watch it as an aid for the haiku and senryu submissions for colour in February.
Please click on the links for downloads
Linda’s Picks
Patricia’s Picks

Don’t forget:
- Submissions for colour, reading period 1-15 February 2022 submission email: haikuandsenyru.poetrypea (at) gmail.com
- Submissions for split sequences reading period 1-28 February 2022 email: splitsequence.poetrypea (at) gmail.com
- I really need volunteers for community judges. It’s a really valuable part of the podcast, so if you think you could write a commentary on your favourite submission, max 350 words and read it on the podcast (or not) and would like to have a chat with the other judges and me… do get in touch by email patricia (at) poetrypea.com
- I’m saving my buymeacoffee money for a telepromter, so if you have some spare change and can help, that would be great
- Write haiku for the Pea TV Prompt… perhaps you will be one of Linda’s picks
- If you have any ideas for poets to be featured in the Black Voices series do let me know
S5E2: Haiku at the old pond