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poetrypea.com presents haiku with a vulgar theme. The presentation is by Keith Evetts who is the current editor of Re:Virals at the Haiku Foundation. The aim is to show how vulgarity has been a theme of haiku through the ages, but has the way we have expressed this vulgarity changed? We’ll talk about how far you can go before you cross over into offensive or disgusting, we’ll even have a disagreement. Can you spot it? Hope you enjoy it, but take care the language is a little more salty than you are used to at Poetry Pea.

To view the show notes click here

Links  to references

The Woman Without a Hole — & Other Risky Themes from Old Japanese Poems

—Robin D. Gill, Paraverse Press, 2007 (504 pages)

This is a work of considerable scholarship, written in a maverick style and self-published by an expert bilingual translator of Japanese, that covers every part of the vulgar and distasteful.  Thoroughly.

Light Verse from the Floating World: An Anthology of Premodern Japanese Senryu

—Makoto Ueda, Columbia University Press, 1999 (273 pages)


Far Beyond the Field: Haiku by Japanese Women

—Makoto Ueda, Columbia University Press, 2003 (272 pages)

Two scholarly and readable books by Ueda, 1931 –2020, who was Professor Emeritus of Japanese literature at Stanford University.

A Certain Tightness in the Chest: Sarasen (salaryman Senryū) on 3-11, Covid-19, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, And Other Such Catastrophes

—Adam L. Kern, JUXTASeven, A journal of haiku research and scholarship,

  1. Ce Rosenow et. al., The Haiku Foundation 2021 pp 11 – 87

27 Shitty Haiku Poems About Sex That Are Also Awkward & Somewhat Nasty. Just Because.  By Tanya Sirohi

India Times Culture Section, last updated  18 August 2021

(Examples of what we DON’T want to see!)

S5E11 Vulgar haiku