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This week, it’s original haiku and senryu written by the Poetry Pea community and of course, nominations for the judge’s choice.

Regulars to the podcast will know the poetry of our judges.  We met Ted Sherman when he came along in episode 7 of the 4th series to talk to us about his pen and corrections project and by the way the book is now published, profits going to charity. Mark Gilbert came along to the podcast in Episode 17 of the 2nd series to tell us about whoku, if you haven’t heard that please go and have a listen. James Young is very actively involved in the podcast as one of our regular editors and you can contact heim at @baitthelines on Twitter and see his books here on Amazon .

Today’s poems were a response to the Kigo prompt, which was introduced to us by Randy Brooks. There’s a workshop by him on this topic in the Pea TV section of the website. I’ve had a bit of a clean up on the website. I hope things are so much easier for you to find and now there’s a search button too. Do try it out and tell me if you think it’s better.

I should say a thank you to Richard L Matta who not only bought me a lovely coffee this month, but also sent me a suggestion for improvements to the website, for which I’m really grateful. Thanks Richard, slowly but surely I’m getting there.

Submissions for selective realism are now closed, but you can start thinking about your haiku or senryu with yūgen for next month, submissions will open on the 1st of July. Please listen to Stanford M Forrester’s workshop. He gives some great examples and tips to help you with your submission.

Now on with the poetry. Before we hear your original work, let’s hear a couple of poems that have previously been published.

fallow fields a light dusting of snow geese

Debbie Strange,Mariposa 39, 2018
Shortlisted, 2018 Touchstone Awards

we wander
in the rose garden
pollen on your nose

Allison Douglas-Tourner

Thanks to Debbie and Allison for sending them in to the podcast.

Now it’s over to you for original haiku and senryu

 Ted Sherman’s nomination for the judge’s choice.

shelling peas
scent of fresh-cut grass

Allison Douglas-Tourner

the white yucca flowers
highlighted by fireflies

Christine Wenk-Harrison

million suns –
fields of mustard flowers
in chill wind

Neera Kashyap

bouquet of daisies –
mere grocery store flowers
to brighten a room

Shana F Brewer

wind chimes
the vibrant colour –
of tulips

Laura Driscoll

vintage violets
still blooming –
school reunion

Dorothy Burrows

around the pond today

Tony Williams

pink blooms—
an addict’s eyes wander
the redbud branch

m shane pruett

pink boughs tender grass as swallows arrive

Mariangela Canzi

peak bloom
she swings a sandal
from one toe

P H Fischer

I hand her
yellow daffodils…
she recites Wordsworth.

Dale Bennett

half hidden
along this dusty road
a rhododendron blooms

Julie Gomez

bluebell wood
the beauty of the shadows
perched dragonfly

Katherine E Winnick

last pink rose
we do not bring
it up

Roberta Beach Jacobson

purple highlights
in the neighbour’s fir tree
– Wisteria

Liam Maguire

petals in the wind –
hut on a hillock
with a sagging roof

Philmore Place

field of flowers
sweethearts love again
on a blanket of blooms

Barbara Carlson

berry picking —
survival jam spreads
thin in winter

Wayne Kingston

wild strawberries
the sweetness
of not picking them

Pat Davis

woodland trail—
the sweet taste
of huckleberries

Kathleen Tice

eager seedlings
blackberry winter
nips the buds

JL Huffman

cranberry season –
scissors parting
red silk

Pippa Phillips

a woman hums
under the slow shady sway
of plum blossoms

Brett Brady

cherry blossom
all that remains of the
fox’s wedding

Hannah Hulbert

peach blossom
once my dreams
just as pink

Anna Maria Domburg Sancristoforo

organic apple…
a climbing worm
along the petiole

Angiola Inglese

apple blossoms
the flow lines of moss
and bark

Janice Doppler

a warm breeze
luffs clothesline sheets
cinnamon-apple pie

Richard L Matta

cinnamon scented candle —
the sudden craving
for apple pie

Baisali Chatterjee Dutt

leftover apples
the life we have together

Tracy Davidson

summer shadows the color of ripe plum

Jay Friedenberg

tropical sky
in my glass
a persimmon peel swirls

Laughing waters

pomegranate …
crackling of embers
in the fireplace

Daniela Misso

monsoon memory—
on palms and mango trees
thick dust

Christa Pandey

waxing moon…
on the branches
unripe mangoes

Joe Sebastian

out of season
I am still ordering
mangoes online

Minal Sarosh

sneaking a peek
through the screen door
the smell of raw mangoes

Zahra Mughis

James Young Judges’ Choice Nomination

falling silently
the drunk man

Marie Derley

hidden deep
in fallen snow
more snow

Carol Judkins

heavy snow
juncos in and out
of the sword fern

Richard Tice

lingering snowfall
a whiff of green
follows our footprints

Lorraine A Padden

winter morning
i kickstart
the motorbike

Amrutha Prabhu

sledding each long walk back

Ronald K Craig

wolf moon —
north wind

Pam Joy

silence –
icicles encase
the wind chimes

Valentina Ranaldi-Adams

dead of winter
duvet deployment
three layer night

Richard Bailly

winter rain
old busker’s
out-of-tune guitar

Sherry Grant

there’s no point
to icicles
in springtime

Mark Farrar

glimpsing infinity
in the swallows lazy eight
a cloud of insects

Robert Horrobin

fledgling’s first leap
floating on a breeze
morning birdsong

Kim Russell

sun-warmed shadows
the hue and cry of fledglings

Craig Kittner

clumsy flight
quieter and quieter
in the blackbird’s nest

Wiesław Karliński

first light
the goldfinch hangs from
a cherry blossom

Bruce H Feingold

spring weeding
the persistent chip-chip
of a towhee

Sarah Paris

cherry tree branch
two doves
poise for the day

Richa Sharma

Roman ruins . . .
each marble column crowned
by a stork’s nest

Michael Dudley

a swan’s feather
all that remains
of migratory birds

Isabella Kramer

white feathers
in a thawing bird bath
fishbone cloud

Hifsa Ashraf

swans land in
the blank field

Dorothy Mahoney

morning ritual
I mimic koel mimics me

Vandana Parashar

cuckoo call
copper beech turning
from pink to purple

Mike Gallagher

at the old pond
high overhead
the sound of cranes

Paul Engel

draining out
my head

Alex Fyffe

longer days
lift my mood …
spring in my step

Karen Harvey

leaves in the village pond
a frog creates ripples
in the stillness

CX Turner

in the clear water’s edge
becoming a froglet

Christina Chin

winter’s end…
from the upturned wheelbarrow
a curling tabby tail

Ted Sherman

their first time on grass
bouncing bouncing

James Young

ploughed fields –
sweat trickles along
the farmer’s furrowed brow

Paul Callus

spring sunshine
mom chases
her wandering son

Susan Plumridge

spring rain
the fly waiting under the hat
of the garden dwarf

Maya Daneva

a wrinkled face
behind the narrow window
fleeting spring

Natalia Kuznetsova

maypole ribbons
swirl red, white and blue
uniting kingdoms

Richard Downes

Memorial Day
an empty trampoline
pools rainwater

Doris Lynch

Memorial Park—
the mating call
of a cicada

Neena Singh

letting go
and moving on
waning blossom moon

Angela Terry

hollow willow
hidden in the fog

Eva Drobna

Thanks to

Hugs and Kisses to my coffee donors in May:

Linda L Ludwig

Jason Furtak

Richard L Matta

Eve Castle

Allison Douglas- Tourner

Pam Joy

Mariangela Canzi

Neera Kashyap

Marilyn Ashbaugh

evening downpour
the linden tree fragrance
all alone

Samo Kreuz

tiny butterflies…
a garden chase full of
children’s laughter

BA France

football practice
on green grass under bright lights…
long nights ahead

Rob McKinnon

the cut
of a coyote call
summer grasses

Marilyn Ashbaugh

summer night sky
a star so close
to the waning moon

Lakshmi Iyer

young love
watching the sandcastle

Eugeniusz Zacharski

double rainbow
I give myself one more
happy ending

Bona M Santos

summer night rain . . .
she combs her long hair
again and again

Milan Rajkumar

golden sky
first kiss on the sand
thunder storms

Ellen Urowitz

snow cone river
a child licks
her bluing wrist

E L Blizzard

muddled and iced
young woman with a twist

Linda L Ludwig

freckled faces
sand, salty air
days and days and days

Robert Quezada

strawberry kisses
and cream mustachios
taste the sun

EL Forrest

her absence
all the fireflies
bottled up

Ravi Kiran

fireflies abound
one sits on my palm –
date night

Ekta Rana

grimy and sweaty
keen to wash off the summer
and meet her

Priti Khullar

walking in the pines
the sole of my geta catches
one needle

Joan C Fingon

windblown seeds
settle on Gran’s grave …
when will they bloom?

David He

collecting seeds
from wilted sunflowers
waiting a new life

Lisbeth Ho

ripe barley brushes the sunlight autumn leaves

Robert Witmer

bare trees
through the dollhouse window
a dusty smile

David Oates

his three tooth grin
our fingers slimy
with pumpkin seeds

Deborah P Kolodji

falling leaf
how we heal
after an argument

Eve Castle

harvest moon
kettle of rice
glows orange

Douglas J Lanzo

fallen witness tree
the winds of October
have no borders

Bill Fay

November night…
a kite rides out the storm
on a tree branch

Srinivas S

monarch migration
the unexpected tremor
of my lips

Debbie Strange

monsoon showers
he learns to write
in italics

Anjali Warhadpande

first monsoon rain . . .
this sudden urge to whistle
in the dark

Kanchan Chatterjee

Mark Gilbert: Judges’ Choice nominaton

fingers swirling
through the button basket
late autumn rain

Mimi Ahern

A few reminders:

  • Next writing topic is yūgen. Submission period 1-20th July
  • If you have the time could you take a 20 second video in landscape mode and write a haiku for it and send it to me for Pea TV Haiku Moments
  • If you have the time can you test out the website, as I’ve made changes. Does it work for you?
S4E12: Original Haiku of the seasons
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