hens scramble for yesterday’s scraps tomorrow’s breakfast An original video and haiku by Pam Joy
Pea TV Haiku Moment: Hedgehog
puppy love the soft spines of a young hedgehog An original video and haiku by David J Kelly
Pea TV Haiku Moments: Equal rights
equal sharing with equal rights, why can’t we learn from ducks and gulls An original video and haiku by Ian Speed
Pea TV Haiku Moments: Sunlit reeds
sunlit reeds swaying back to my youth Original video and haiku by Dorothy Burrows
Pea TV Haiku Moment: Showering spring
showering spring winter daggers skyfall An original video and haiku by Wayne Kingston
Pea TV Haiku Moments: Contact
more barriers the rare gift of contact Original Video and haiku by Marion Clarke
Pea TV Haiku Moments: Sunset
sanguine skies reflects our day in a sunset An original video and haiku by Linda L Ludwig
Pea TV Haiku Moments: Dreams
how often do dreamsend in the death of a daydeepening in snow Original video and haiku by James Young
Pea TV Haiku Moments: Snow Dust
a dusting of snow no footprints … a day to sleep-in Original Video by Julie Washburn Harb Original haiku by Linda L Ludwig
Pea TV Haiku Moment: First Flakes
first flakes of snow – the child is waking within me Original video and haiku by Dorothy Burrows