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On this podcast from Poetry Pea:

How to write haiku & senryu poetry using a variety of techniques

Write poetry that will be published using these techniques.


Both at Buy  Me A Coffee

Single Object Haiku Essay

The goal of the prompt

Write a single object haiku or senryū. A haiku focussed on one thing only.

Avoid writing a run on sentence.

There are examples  and techniques to inspire you in the podcast and in the video.

I have given you the number of techniques that you can use to create your poems. You don’t have to stick with them. If you want to experiment with different techniques, please do.

Just to warn you a big no-no would be a run on sentence. That is, a poem without a pause, or a cut. Unless of course you are writing senryū when that cut is not necessary. One thing to remember; whatever you’re writing let your mind fly freely, write something original, something which will make the team go oh yes I like that, something with a little space for your reader to insert themselves, something which is authentically you.

You can use more than one seasonal reference, but use them wisely and please make sure they are from the same  season, unless there is a good reason that they aren’t.

You can purchase the essay that goes with this episode, although if you are an Issa or Buson Member you will receive it as part of your membership.


Yūgen with  Stanford M Forrester

DT Suzuki’s Zen and Japanese Culture

S7E14 How to write a single object haiku