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poetrypea.com presents original poetry written by poets around the globe in answer to our video prompt on YouTube, out every month, and our call for Flashku. You’ll need to be signed up for our mailing to submit for that. Hope you enjoy the haiku & senryu.
If you do please give us a shout out on Social media and if you can spare us a dime, a coffee would be appreciated.
Thank you to all of your who bought me a coffee last month
Kimberly Kuchar
Katie Haddock
Jenny Shepherd
Jerome Berglund
Linda Ludwig
Susan Andrews
Eve Castle
Thanks too to everyone who donated when downloading the show notes and of course, to those who are buying Journal 1:23 our first journal of the year.
I can’t continue to produce all the resources we currently give without donations or sale of the Journal. There will be another one out at the end of the year. I’m very grateful for whatever you can spare.
Video Prompt
To add your poems to our Video prompt, head over to our YouTube channel and pop your submission into the comments section so that our lovely, hard working editor, Linda Ludwig can see it. Thank you Linda. Remember, this is a great way to showcase your work, whether it is chosen to feature on the podcast or not, because so many poets take part your work will have a good sized audience.
If you have no idea what I’m on about you really need to sign up for the Poetry Pea mailing, because only the poets on the mailing are invited to take part in the Flashku.
Next year the mailing will become much more important, there will be more opportunities to have your work published that will only be available to poets on the mailing. Oh and by the way, the topics for next year will be out soon. Mailing list will get to know first, of course.
In a bit of other news, I was delighted to see that Poetry Pea had an increase in listeners of 80% on the Podbean podcast platform, since September. If you are one of the new Podbean listeners you are most welcome. If not and you are looking for a new platform to listen to your podcasts, the link is at the bottom of the page.
If you are listening in real time, the window for Zoka submissions will shut in two days… crikey better get your submission in. There’s some help for you in the podcasts with Janice Doppler, episodes, 31 and 32 of this 6th series. All on the website, or wherever you get your podcasts and our YouTube channel.
If not, check out the submissions pages, there’s always something to submit to.
Congratulations to the poets who had their work chosen from the Video Prompt:
Kim Klugh
Deborah A. Bennett
Lakshmi Iyer
Wanda Amos
Rupa Anand
Congratulations to the poets who had their work chosen from the Flashku:
Tina Mowrey
Kimberly Kuchar
Kathleen Trocmet
Richard L Matta
Govind Joshi
Alvin B Cruz
Tracy Davidson
Sally Quon
Rita Melissano
Helen Buckingham
Tony Williams
Scott Wiggerman