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poetrypea.com presents a podcast of original haiku and senryu written by a global community. Patricia is joined by a panel of judges to discuss nominations for the Judges’ choice. Come along, listen, and perhaps you will be inspired to submit to Poetry Pea and feature on a future podcast or in our Journal.

It’s our birthday! …  according to google the average lifespan of a podcast is 174 day and we’ve been going 1825, last time I checked we were in the top 5 % in both spotify and apple podcasts. Given that I’m a small independent podcaster that is a real success story but I have to thank my lovely team and you my lovely listeners for your support.

Here’s a birthday request from Poetry Pea… if you tweet, use Facebook or Instagram, let people know about us… let’s show the big names in podcast production what can happen if you have a wonderful community around you and are passionate about what you do. Thank you.

Now what are we up to today? Well, I had a lovely zoom call with CX Turner or Luci as you’ll know her in this podcast, Richard Tice, Allyson Whipple and Ravi Kiran, who came along to give their nominations for the Judges’ choice in this episode, the episode where we hear your haiku & senryu which have achieved some depth. Thanks to Joshua Gage for giving us the workshop which inspired this episode.

Thanks too to the editing team, Liam, Ron, Robert, Vandana and Lorraine who worked really hard this time.

We’re going to have a little chat about doing research when reading haiku. Should we be writing haiku or senryu which sends us off to google? Does it detract from our experience or enrich it? I wonder what you think… you’ll find out what our judges think toward the end of the podcast.

As usual, we’ll hear which poems Linda Ludwig, our YouTube editor has chosen from September’s prompt… October’s prompt is up now and you have until the end of the month to add your poems to the comments section to qualify for potential inclusion in the Poetry Pea Journal and of course the podcast. This feature is proving very popular, thank you for supporting it… tell your haiku friends. If you have not subscribed to our YouTube channel do please check out that possibility. It’s free. You don’t get many things free of charge these days, do you? Thanks Linda for all your hard work.

November and December Poetry Pea will be putting out podcasts, but we won’t be taking submissions… they start again in the new year 2023 if you are coming late to the party. If you are signed up for the Poetry Pea mailing, you will get a mail telling you what submissions we are expecting.

Have you had a listen to our other podcast, Poetry Pea Readings? (available where ever you get your pods as well as YouTube). The latest was from Kala Ramesh, with one more from Kala to come.  It’s really taken off, viewers / listeners have been loving it, don’t miss it and the good news is that there is another one out soon.

We have a terrific workshop out in audio and on YouTube from Sean O’Connor on the writing of haibun. It got me writing, I hope it will do the same for you. If you are signed up to the mailing you’ll get to know about the bonus episode from Sean. It won’t be available to everyone… more of that in my emails.

Thanks to Kala and Sean for their time and their charming workshops, readings and conversation.

Congrats to Lorraine A Padden… a treasured member of the Poetry Pea team,  she received a third place tie in the American Haiku Awards… in memory of Harold G Henderson with this monoku:

empty vase the last of the baby’s breath

Lorraine A Padden, California, USA

Haiku Society of America Haiku Award in Memorial of Harold G. Henderson

And an honourable mention in Haiku Society of America Senryu Award in Memorial of Gerald Brady.

I also noticed one of our own, the lovely Joshua St Clair received a first place in that competition. Congrats Joshua.

But returning to Lorraine, she has recently had a book of Haiku / Senryu / tanka and haibun published, it’s called upwelling.  I hope Lorraine will come along and read to us next year in Poetry Pea Readings.

I’d like to thank everybody who has supported the podcast by buying us a coffee or making a donation via buy me a coffee or PayPal. You know I don’t charge for the show notes in the first month but if you like you can leave a donation towards our work.

Last month these lovely people made a donation:

David Oates

Malcolm Ganderton

Steve Bahr


Linda Ludwig

Tony Williams

Jerome Berglund

Kimberly Kuchar

Susan Andrews

Allison Douglas Tourner

Michael Winter

Jason Furtak

Ronald Degler

And a few listeners who remain anonymous, thank you, all of you for helping me save for my intern.

Linda’s choices from our September video prompt:

lanterns set aloft …
the lifelong practice
of letting go

Kim Klugh

fishing for the moon
they cast their nets
into a puddle

Marilyn Ward

westward wind
a brief spark
in the darkness

Keith Evetts

a little piece
of moon in every one —
sky lanterns

Wendy Gent

my first wish
to fly—
paper lanterns

Chittaluri Satyanarayana

Great work everybody and thanks again Linda. If you would like to join Linda editing our YouTube prompt do please let me know. Email me.

You’ll find the original haiku & senryu with depth by clicking the link

S5E20 original Depth

S5E20: Original haiku & senryu with depth