On the Haiku Pea Podcast from poetrypea.com this week our community judges review and discuss the submissions of haiku using colour. Who will win the prestigious Judges Choice… You can listen here, or on Poetry Pea’s YouTube channel. Check out the website for lots of free writing resources.
- subscribe to our YouTube channel
- have you gone to YouTube and written your haiku or senryu in the prompt for March which Marilyn Ward very kindly sent us? If you don’t write your poem, it can’t be features and it won’t be in the Journal
- did you watch Stanford M Forrester’s presentation on Kerouac? Also on the YouTube channel
- this month, March 2022 it’s haibun month. You have a few days to get your haibun to me so that m shane pruett and I can read them and let you know whether your work has been accepted for the journal. Check out the submissions pages for the details.
This week I’m joined by the lovely Karen Harvey, Diana Salusia and Matt Synder as my community judges.
The poems if you would like to read them again, download here
The Yoko Ono poem Diana spoke of:
Painting For The Wind Yoko Ono
Thank you to Linda L Ludwig, our YouTube editor, who reads every poem and then has the very hard job of picking her favourites.
S5E6: Original Haiku Using Colour