Here’s the best of my week:

a frog
clambers over the soil
summer drought

On first glance, it’s a bit, so what, but what I would like the reader to be asking, is, why is the frog clambering and not hopping across the soil and it’s clearly dry, so how is he managing, when the world is drying up around him?

I’ve been in the mountains this weekend, trying to get out of the city heat. I was sitting on my patio, enjoying the alpine sunshine, with just a hint of a cool breeze, and people watching.

So from the Swiss Alps, I give you these:

summer holiday hike
lagging behind his parents
a teenager

summer season
tourists performing
for the villagers

My village does quite a few things to entertain the tourists, it’s the bread and butter of existence, but I wonder do tourists ever think of the entertainment they provide to the locals? From my patio in the valley I see lots of performances: basejumpers, paragliders, teenagers wandering about with the wrong footwear or outdoor clothing, family arguments, all sorts of things.


Week 37: The daily haiku